Have you achieved keto (or are the ketones just barely holding on), and you’re not sure what to do next? Maybe you had a bunch of epic goals that just aren’t being realized? Dr Schmidt and I talk about the root causes behind why keto may not be working out for you, and the 7-step process on how to overcome this hurdle.
Hosted by Leanne Vogel.
Coaching and other supports available at: https://healthfulpursuit.com/coaching
Podcast Sponsors, links and offers available at: http://ketodietpodcast.com/
Understanding root causes, what leads to symptoms and how to stay ahead of it.
Hosted by Leanne Vogel.
Coaching and other supports available at: https://healthfulpursuit.com/coaching
Podcast Sponsors, links and offers available at: http://ketodietpodcast.com/
A series on my health journey to now! Talking about when I discovered keto and what lead me to follow the diet, write books on it, and guide so, so many women through it!
Hosted by Leanne Vogel.
Coaching and other supports available at: https://healthfulpursuit.com/coaching
Podcast Sponsors, links and offers available at: http://ketodietpodcast.com/
How to balance your love of taking care of your nutrition with your mental state.
Hosted by Leanne Vogel.
Coaching and other supports available at: https://healthfulpursuit.com/coaching
Podcast Sponsors, links and offers available at: http://ketodietpodcast.com/
Is your diet weighing you down, keeping the blinders on to bigger issues BEYOND the food?
Hosted by Leanne Vogel.
Coaching and other supports available at: https://healthfulpursuit.com/coaching
Podcast Sponsors, links and offers available at: http://ketodietpodcast.com/
Blood Chemistry Course: https://www.fundamentawellness.com/a/2147504505/CqooCBCA
Elizabeth’s website: https://www.naturallynourishedntp.com/
Taking you on a journey of my health up until this point! A multi-part series because you asked for it! This week, we’re covering the early years and what having an eating disorder did to my health, long-term.
Hosted by Leanne Vogel.
Coaching and other supports available at: https://healthfulpursuit.com/coaching
Podcast Sponsors, links and offers available at: http://ketodietpodcast.com/
Discover your why to totally shift the way you approach your wellness.
Hosted by Leanne Vogel.
Coaching and other supports available at: https://healthfulpursuit.com/coaching
Podcast Sponsors, links and offers available at: http://ketodietpodcast.com/
Kerry is learning how to understand and care for her body on a deep level! Join us as she shares her story on how understanding her blood work has been key to her success.
Hosted by Leanne Vogel.
Coaching and other supports available at: https://healthfulpursuit.com/coaching
Podcast Sponsors, links and offers available at: http://ketodietpodcast.com/
Blood work course: https://shop.healthfulpursuit.com/product/blood-work-course/
Join us as we dive deep into what happens during your cycle and how to support with diet and lifestyle.
Hosted by Leanne Vogel.
Coaching and other supports available at: https://healthfulpursuit.com/coaching
Podcast Sponsors, links and offers available at: http://ketodietpodcast.com/
Follow zesty ginger: https://www.instagram.com/zesty_ginger/
Is your digestion off? Are you having a nicely formed bowel movement after every meal? If you answered “no” like the majority of us, listen in!
Hosted by Leanne Vogel.
Coaching and other supports available at: https://healthfulpursuit.com/coaching
Podcast Sponsors, links and offers available at: http://ketodietpodcast.com/
Bacteria & Botanicals Book Club https://www.tinyurl.com/bacteriabotanicals
Follow Ashley: https://www.instagram.com/ashleysauvehealth/
How to support the bodies in your family while maintaining your own health.
Hosted by Leanne Vogel.
Coaching and other supports available at: https://healthfulpursuit.com/coaching
Podcast Sponsors, links and offers available at: http://ketodietpodcast.com/
Lily Nichols Pregnancy and Keto: https://www.healthfulpursuit.com/podcast/e21/
The 6-week program Marta used: https://healthfulpursuit.com/6week
Be a fly on the wall in a session with a client, talking about their blood work and what red flag markers feed into the pattern of bacteria issues in the gut.
Hosted by Leanne Vogel.
Coaching and other supports available at: https://healthfulpursuit.com/coaching
Podcast Sponsors, links and offers available at: http://ketodietpodcast.com/
Understand your blood work: https://www.healthfulpursuit.com/labs
Shake things up in the kitchen with simple tools and tricks to inspire your tastebuds and encourage your friends to love low-carb as much as you do!
Hosted by Leanne Vogel.
Coaching and other supports available at: https://healthfulpursuit.com/coaching
Podcast Sponsors, links and offers available at: http://ketodietpodcast.com/
Beth’s experience learning how to care for her body after diabetes diagnosis.
Hosted by Leanne Vogel.
Coaching and other supports available at: https://healthfulpursuit.com/coaching
Podcast Sponsors, links and offers available at: http://ketodietpodcast.com/
How to responsibly bring fasting into your ketogenic diet, the role of the liver in burning fat, and how to reset your body using keto.
Hosted by Leanne Vogel.
Coaching and other supports available at: https://healthfulpursuit.com/coaching
Podcast Sponsors, links and offers available at: http://ketodietpodcast.com/
Follow Dr Mindy: http://instagram.com/dr.mindypelz/
Menopause Reset: https://amzn.to/38GwKYv
There are a lot of supplements you could be taking, but do you need them? Talking about how to know you need b vitamins and what that can look like on your blood work.
Hosted by Leanne Vogel.
Coaching and other supports available at: https://healthfulpursuit.com/coaching
Podcast Sponsors, links and offers available at: http://ketodietpodcast.com/
Understand your blood work: https://www.healthfulpursuit.com/labs
Signs it’s time to make keto your own, how to dedicate yourself to health without becoming obsessive, preventative living practices, and how to view your health the functional way.
Hosted by Leanne Vogel.
Coaching and other supports available at: https://healthfulpursuit.com/coaching
Podcast Sponsors, links and offers available at: http://ketodietpodcast.com/
The Mexican Keto Cookbook: https://amzn.to/3MdQLYj
The Vida Well: http://www.thevidawell.com
The most-interesting conversation about plants, how herbs and new supplements are made, and what these components do for the body.
Hosted by Leanne Vogel.
Coaching and other supports available at: https://healthfulpursuit.com/coaching
Podcast Sponsors, links and offers available at: http://ketodietpodcast.com/
Preparing for menopause is something all women need to be thinking of. With the right tweaks here and there (nothing crazy!) we can setup our bodies for success through this life transition. And, if you’re nearing menopause, or already experienced it, our guest shares helpful tips to getting your body; and hormones, supported.
Hosted by Leanne Vogel.
Coaching and other supports available at: https://healthfulpursuit.com/coaching
Podcast Sponsors, links and offers available at: http://ketodietpodcast.com/
Women and Health Research: Ethical and Legal Issues of Including Women in Clinical Studies: Volume I: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK236538/
Systems Biology, Toxins, Obesity, and Functional Medicine: https://drhyman.com/downloads/Toxins-and-Obesity.pdf
Understanding the carb up: https://www.healthfulpursuit.com/carbup/
Get a copy of Menupause: https://amzn.to/3NuO8mF
Helen was hit with a severe health crisis at a very young age and shares her story with mold, lead, detoxification, and more.
Hosted by Leanne Vogel.
Coaching and other supports available at: https://healthfulpursuit.com/coaching
Podcast Sponsors, links and offers available at: http://ketodietpodcast.com/
Follow Helen: https://www.instagram.com/cure.eated/ and https://cureeated.com/
I don’t know one person that doesn’t struggle with the “life takes over” challenge. You have a goal, and it goes out the window very quickly because… life. Discovering why this is, what your reward mechanisms are, and how to finally achieve that goal using a keto diet.
Hosted by Leanne Vogel.
Coaching and other supports available at: https://healthfulpursuit.com/coaching
Podcast Sponsors, links and offers available at: http://ketodietpodcast.com/
Join Allison’s program, use the code VOGEL50 for a discount: https://yourwellbeingtribe.com/start-here/
Ketogenic diet as a metabolic treatment for mental illness: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/32773571/
The Ketogenic Diet for the Treatment of Mood Disorders in Comorbidity With Epilepsy in Children and Adolescents: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7768824/
Depression and C-Reactive Protein in US Adults: https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jamainternalmedicine/fullarticle/217001
How we can use epigenetics for optimal health and longevity.
Hosted by Leanne Vogel.
Coaching and other supports available at: https://healthfulpursuit.com/coaching
Podcast Sponsors, links and offers available at: http://ketodietpodcast.com/
Be the first to know about Dr. Aronica's new course and get 20% off: https://academy.draronica.com/diet-and-gene-expression
Follow Dr. Lucia Aronica on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCXFaVKe8JxWyZviKqtiT9lQ?sub_confirmation=1
Struggles through weight gain, loss, and gaining it back again. Our guest Kristen has lost 100 pounds twice. Come along with us as she explains what it was like to gain back the weight, and what it finally took to achieve lasting, healthful weight loss.
Hosted by Leanne Vogel.
Coaching and other supports available at: https://healthfulpursuit.com/coaching
Podcast Sponsors, links and offers available at: http://ketodietpodcast.com/
Obesity Code book: https://amzn.to/3DouMeb
How do you know it’s time to increase the carbs a bit more on your keto diet? Let’s go through it today!
Hosted by Leanne Vogel.
Coaching and other supports available at: https://healthfulpursuit.com/coaching
Podcast Sponsors, links and offers available at: http://ketodietpodcast.com/
Going through blood work with a client, come along for the ride! A short clip of blood work patterns and what you can glean from your standard blood work. Today, we’re going through what heavy metal patterns look like and how to spot anemias.
Hosted by Leanne Vogel.
Coaching and other supports available at: https://healthfulpursuit.com/coaching
Podcast Sponsors, links and offers available at: http://ketodietpodcast.com/
Get a list of blood work markers: http://healthfulpursuit.com/labs
Mercury fillings: https://www.ewg.org/news-insights/news/mercury-gas-escaping-dental-fillings